
Showing posts from September, 2019

27 September 2019

Viking Exploration Video Link This week students learned about the culture and society of the Mi'kMaq, Iroquois and Anishnabe. We read a short story called "The Wretched Stone," and discussed how the story can be read literally and also metaphorically. Students wrote a paragraph about what they thought was happening in a painting which depicted an Iroquois village and a Blackfoot buffalo hunt. We completed a spelling test of fifty words and also edited paragraphs, to check for spelling and grammar. Key Vocabulary terms that we learned this week include the following: Clan Mothers, Economy, Alliance, Consensus, Elders and Pallisade Wall.  This weekend, students can practice the following list of spelling words and edit the paragraph below: List 7 Word Practice Sentence Type maybe I don’t think we can go shopping now, but maybe we can go later. Basic moisten Please moisten this washcloth. Basic judge The judge ba...

September 19

This week, students have completed spelling tests, and edited paragraphs to check for capitalization, spelling and grammar. We have spent two periods learning about the proper use of apostrophes, with a focus on the following: You're & Your, It's & Its. We also learned about the correct use of "There, Their, They're and There's," when writing. In social studies, we have been learning about the Mikmaq, Iroquois, Anishnabe and Blackfoot confederacy, with a focus on their forms of government. To get ready for next week, students can practice the spelling list and paragraph edit below: List 7 Word Practice Sentence Type maybe I don’t think we can go shopping now, but maybe we can go later. Basic moisten Please moisten this washcloth. Basic judge The judge banged his gavel to get everyone's attention. Basic listening We are all listening to the librarian's rules. Basic covered She covered the painting carefully. Basic complain He will co...

September 13

This week students worked towards completing their Canada map assignment. The goal of this assignment was to help students build a better understanding and knowledge of the provinces, capitals and geographical features of Canada. Students also completed a contribution for our class word-wall. For this task, students had to visually represent a key vocabulary term that is displayed in our classroom. We also worked on a spelling quiz, paragraph editing, writing a paragraph and a reading test this week. This coming week, we will be starting to learn about the Mikmaq, Anishinabe and Haudenosuanee societies. Below is a spelling list that students can practice this weekend. List 6 Word Practice Sentence Type waiting  We are waiting for the movie to start. Basic meeting The meeting has been postponed. Basic loaves The loaves of bread need time to cool. Basic volunteers We may need more volunteers. Basic wishing We keep wishing for more money. Basic claim They claim that the...

September 5

This week students have gone on a field trip to learn about the concept of "sustainability." Students demonstrated what they have learned, by writing a paragraph on how the world can feed and support a growing population, with the same amount of farmland. In class, we have also worked on our reading and writing skills, by completing a spelling quiz, editing a paragraph for capitalization, spelling and punctuation. In social studies, students have learned about the following key terms: Monopoly, Scarcity, Trading Forts, the Three Sisters, Colony, Exploration and Monarch. Over the weekend, students can practice the following list of spelling words: Word Practice Sentence Type exist I didn't even know that they still exist. Basic know We know we are right. Basic both I think both of them are sorry. Basic age You can learn something new at any age. Basic personal There's no need to get personal. Basic I've I've always loved to walk on the beach. Bas...