
Showing posts from November, 2019

Coyote Article 1) Write down a one sentence summary explaining what this article is about. Find two opinion sentences in the article and write them in the space below: 2) 3) Find two fact sentences in this article and write them in the space below: 4) 5) 6) Find one quote in this article that lists some of the other animals that are found in Calgary and write it down. 7) If you were the mayor of Calgary, what would you do to keep people and pets safe from Coyotes? Or would you instead try to protect the coyotes from people? Your answer should be a paragraph in length and persuasive.

November 7

This week, students completed a spelling quiz and paragraph edit. We also learned about the use and meaning of several prefixes (sub, pre, under, super). In social studies, we completed a fur-trade simulation game and began making fur trade monopoly games. Over the weekend, students can practice the spelling list below and the paragraph edit. List 13 Word Practice Sentence Type knew She knew how to knit. Basic healing The scar was not healing well. Basic clear The water was very clear. Basic friendly The old man was kind and friendly. Basic than We are better than the other team. Basic deep The well is very deep. Basic they’re We believe they're from Maryland. Basic width The width of the board is twelve inches. Basic cannot We cannot stand by and watch without saying something. Basic budget The cost of the program was kept within budget. Basic center Move to the center of the room. Basic meaning The meaning of the book was discussed by the students. Basic least A...